Poetry from Michael Patrick Moore


Woken by sunlight upon me that shone
Through my bedroom window the morning seen,
A raucous riot of red and green,
Lorikeets adorning callistemon.
An avian chorus announcing the day
From perfumed Eucalypts promising rain,
And now seeking flowers and seeking grain,
All manner of creatures at work and play.
Thankful am I for this sensory feast
Thankful am I for the gift of this day,
The return of light after night times’ fall.
Just to be part of this morning released,
For the few precious lines, mine in this play,
Just for the gift of this morning at all.


The stars are fading,
To the east a match is struck
Heralding the dawn.

At one with the sun,
With gratitude I rise now
With the rising world.

My heart beats in perfect time
With the woken day.

The lines become blurred,
Between all that is and I
Such affinity.

No mere backdrop this,
I feel all, I am part of
The fabric of things.

I was born in Queensland the fourth of six children, Fourth generation Australian born on my mother’s side who were predominantly of Irish stock who came to Australia post the famine years (for the most part from the counties of Tipperary, Wicklow and Donegal). My father came to Australia from Dublin in the 1950s; his father was raised in Maam Connemara and later in Kilkee County Clare but the Moore family going back were from Kilmorna, later known as Kilmeany near Listowel. His mother, was a Barrett from Ennis, County Clare, that whole family very involved in those troubled years of the war of independence in Ireland. Also just out of interest I was part of a little Folk/Irish trio called Welder’s Dog for 10 years or so, with a brother of mine David and our friend Peter Harris, some of our music is still on YouTube I believe. If you listen to Castle Hill Patriots, that is my Dad singing Boolavogue at the start of that song.