For Irish and Irish-Australian Film Buffs…

Intell from Enda Murray’s team at the Irish Film Festival

The Sydney Film Festival has just kicked off with 6 Irish Films over 12 glorious days of cinema–including Australian/Irish boxing drama Kid Snow, the rude and riotous Kneecap, and the prize-winning doco The Flats.

There is also plenty of Irish content to stream with 2 TV shows on SBS OnDemand and a hit new Irish show Bodkin on Netflix. Sydneysiders can also enjoy Irish play Never Closer at Belvoir St Theatre and X Club gig featuring Irish DJ Shampain at Carriageworks.

And the Irish Film Festival is launching its EOFY Donation Appeal!

Irish Films at Sydney Film Festival
Sydney Film Festival will be taking over Sydney soon!SFF will be bring 6 Irish films to Sydney for their 12 day festival with multiple screening for each film. The Irish highlight is the Australian premiere of Kneecap, a comedy featuring the Irish language that has been making headlines worldwide. Kneecap is screening everyday for the final 3 days of the festival with the premiere being on Friday the 14th of June at the State Theatre.The new Yorgos Lanthimos film Kinds of Kindness follows 3 stories where people’s lives take a turn. Kinds of Kindness stars Emma Stone and Willam Dafoe who previously worked with him on Poor Things. 2 of the 3 screenings have sold out so if this is of interest get your tickets ASAP.Documentary The Flats follows the residents of a Belfast housing estate grappling with the unresolved legacy of the Troubles by staging re-enactments, laying bare a complex, brutal legacy with forensic precision. Saoirse Ronan’s new film The Outrun follows the story of Rona returning to her childhood home to battle her struggle with drugs and alcohol. Ronan’s outstanding performance beautifully portrays her character’s fragility and grit as she journeys from destruction to serenity.Aussie film Kid Snow is about a washed-up Irish boxer who is finally faced with a chance to redeem himself when he is offered a rematch against the man he fought a decade prior, on a night that changed his life forever. When he meets single mother Sunny, he is forced to contemplate a future beyond boxing.There is also a family friendly option, My Freaky Family, a magical Australian-Irish animation, based on the popular children’s book The Floods, in which 12-year-old Betty discovers her mystical powers just as a dark force kidnaps her family. Magic, music, and marvellous adventures await.
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Irish Thriller Bodkin on Netflix
There’s a new hit on Netflix and it’s a show out of Ireland. Starring Irish talent Siobhán Cullen, Chris Walley, David Wilmot; the Thriller series Bodkin has been in the Netflix Top 10 since it’s release at the beginning of the month and is definitely worth checking out. The Show follows a group of podcasters set out to investigate the mysterious disappearance of three strangers in an idyllic Irish town. But when they start to pull the strings, they find a story much bigger and stranger than they could have imagined. Bodkin is 7 episodes with 2 episodes directed by Australian Nash Edgerton and 1 episode is directed by Dublin-born director Paddy Breathnach.

Irish Film Festival End of Financial Year Donation Appeal
Help us keep the Irish Film Festival on the road by making a tax-deductible donation today!It’s coming near that time of year again when the tax man looms!
The Irish Film Festival is a not-for-profit organization that relies on box office, grants, sponsorship and the generosity of donors to survive. When you donate to the Irish Film Festival, you help support Irish arts
and culture in Australia. We have just got charity status so all donations over $2 are tax deductible.
Wouldn’t you rather give your tax to support Irish artists!! Please donate what you can to keep our festival afloat. If you have any questions, contact the team on

Thanks, Enda Murray and Team.

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